Rova Caviar, the very first African caviar

Rova Caviar, the very first African caviar
Who would have expected it? Madagascar’s ambition is to join the closed circle of Petrossian, Prunier or Sturia, European caviar producers working in the profession since the 1900s. Once served at the table of the Tsars and the Court of Versailles, this luxury and legendary dish is today a product of the Malagasy soil and the first caviar in history to be produced in Africa.
The Malagasy Caviar, Rova Caviar, is enthroning now on the world’s greatest tables. It has successfully impressed Pierre Gagnaire, the renowned French chef with 3-star Michelin ratings. But also, the chef Lalaina Ravelomanana, the local star and the first African to have joined the French culinary academy in 2010, expressed his pride for this luxurious product becoming a Malagasy terroir.

“I was lucky to be able to taste about twenty brands to be able to distinguish the quality of Rova Caviar Madagascar. I can attest that it is unique by the quality of its grains, its light and satiny texture and its naturally iodized flavor. It has an exceptional taste and length in the mouth.” Chef Lalaina Ravelomanana, of Marais Restaurant Madagascar.
Initiated by the Rova Caviar, a six-handed dinner was held on the 3rd of March 2021, at the Marais Restaurant Madagascar. On this occasion, the starred Chef from Le Chiberta Restaurant of Guy Savoy in Paris, Irwin Durant, and the starred Chef from the Manoir de la Régate in Nantes, Mathieu Pérou, discovered the Malagasy caviar. “I was blown away by the texture of the Rova Caviar and by its environment-friendly know-how of its producer. ” says then the Chef Mathieu Pérou. “When I cook, I like telling a story. Madagascar is a country of dreams and has a strong identity. For a table-top product, as exceptional as truffles, the Caviar of Madagascar has a place in every palace.” He adds.

« I am really lucky to have them in my kitchen, effortlessly, and I am so proud because it is a truly Malagasy product.” Chef Lalaina Ravelomanana, from the Marais Restaurant Madagascar.
An epic journey requiring years of patience and investment, Acipenser Madagascar, the Rova Caviar producers, settled in Madagascar in 2009 and represents a premium precursor for investors.
Acipenser Madagascar is aiming at producing the best caviar in the world and foresees significant production growth with a turnover of between 3 and 4 million euros.
Rova, du caviar made in Madagascar – Jeune Afrique
À Madagascar, des entrepreneurs français lancent le premier caviar africain (
Grâce à Madagascar, le caviar peut aussi être africain | Outremers360
Le caviar made in Madagascar souhaite s’exporter | Euronews