Minimum wages by occupational groups in the NON-AGRICULTURAL SECTOR(Ar)
Point value index 0,5727
Monthly hourly value 173,33h
Occupation category Starting salary Salary for employee with seniority
Index Hourly wage (Ariary) Monthly wage (Ariary) Index Hourly wage (Ariary) Monthly wage (Ariary)
M1-1A 1340 767,40 133 013,40 1375 787,40 136 480,00
M2-1B 1345 770,20 133 498,80 1415 810,40 140 466,60
OS1-2A 1355 776,00 134 504,00 1420 813,20 140 952,00
OS2-2B 1395 799,00 138 490,60 1485 850,40 147 399,80
OS3-3A 1480 847,60 146 914,60 1575 902,00 156 343,60
OP1A-3B 1580 904,80 156 829,00 1725 988,00 171 250,00
OP1B-4A 1680 962,20 166 778,20 1830 1 048,00 181 649,80
OP2A-4B 1840 1 053,80 182 655,20 2075 1 188,40 205 985,40
OP2B-5A 2120 1 214,20 210 457,20 2435 1 394,60 241 726,00
OP3-5B 2475 1 417,40 245 678,00 2715 1 554,80 269 493,40

Source: Decree 2015-809 fixing minimum wages and seniority hiring by Professional Category, Annex applicable from January 1st 2015.

Minimum wages by occupational groups in the AGRICULTURAL SECTOR(Ar)
Point value index 0,5034
Monthly hourly value 200h
Occupation category Starting salary Salary for employee with seniority
Index Hourly wage (Ariary) Monthly wage (Ariary) Index Hourly wage (Ariary) Monthly wage (Ariary)
M1-1A 1340 674,60 134 920,00 1375 692,20 138 440,00
M2-1B 1345 677,00 135 400,00 1415 712,40 142 480,00
OS1-2A 1355 682,20 136 440,00 1420 714,80 142 960,00
OS2-2B 1395 702,20 140 440,00 1485 747,60 149 520,00
OS3-3A 1480 745,00 149 000,00 1575 792,80 158 560,00
OP1A-3B 1580 795,40 159 080,00 1725 868,40 173 680,00
OP1B-4A 1680 845,80 169 160,00 1830 921,20 184 240,00
OP2A-4B 1840 926,20 185 240,00 2075 1 044,60 208 920,00
OP2B-5A 2120 1 067,20 213 440,00 2435 1 225,80 245 160,00
OP3-5B 2475 1 246,00 249 200,00 2715 1 366,80 273 360,00

Source: Decree 2015-809 fixing minimum wages and seniority hiring by Professional Category, Annex applicable from January 1st 2015.

Salary in the market (Ar)
New entrants Middle management Seniors Observations
Finances and administration 400.000-1.000.000 800.000-2.000.000 2.000.000-4.000.000 depends on budget managed and CA
Human Resources NA 700.000-1.200.000 1.400.000-2.500.000 No beginners
Data processing NA 600.000 NA No Directors
800.000 No beginners
Sale/Trade 300.000-500.000 600.000-1.200.000 1.500.000-3.000.000 with sales commissions
Purchasing/Logistics 300.000-500.000 600.000-1.500.000 NA No Directors
Quality/HSE NA 800.000 NA No Directors
1.500.000 No beginners
Large companies
Finances et administration 500.000-1.200.000 1.500.000-3.000.000 3.000.000-8.000.000 depends on budget managed and CA
Human Resources 400.000-800.000 800.000-2.500.000 3.000.000-7.000.000 depends on the number of employees
Data processing 600.000-800.000 1.200.000-1.500.000 2.000.000-4.000.000 depends on the computer equipement
Sale/Trade 400.000-1.000.000 1.200.000-2.000.000 2.000.000-4.000.000 with sales commissions
Purchase/Logistics 400.000-800.000 800.000-2.000.000 2.000.000-4.500.000 Local or Import
Quality/HSE 500.000-800.000 800.000-2.000.000 2.000.000-4.000.000 depends on the activity

Source : Benchmarking of remuneration, FTHM, 2012

Increased rate of remuneration for overtime and night work
Nature Increase compared to the minimum wage Observations
Regular overtime 30% for the first 8 hours Hours worked outside the legal working hours are overtime
50% beyond the first 8 hours
Night work
– Regular 30% for the first 8 hours Is considered night work all work performed from 22:00 until 5:00
50% beyond the first 8 hours
– Occasionnal 50%
holidays , public holidays and legal rest
– Sunday 40% The weekly rest period is mandatory. Its duration is 24 hours
Social charges
Type of sheme Who support the load? Institutions receiving contribution Total load
General scheme Employer 13% 5% 18%
Employee 1% 1% 2%
Agricultural scheme Employer 8% 5% 13%
Employee 1% 1% 2%
House staff Employer 800 Ar/month 4.800 Ar/year 14.400 Ar/year
Employee 80 Ar/month 0 Ar 960 Ar/year